The Kings County Radio Club is an organization dedicated to the art and science of radio communications. We help educate individuals interested in Amateur Radio as a hobby.

Our KCRC 10 Meter Net Is Now Live On 28.384 MHz

Did You Visit Us At The Coney Island Maker’s Faire?


The Kings County Radio Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month, currently via Zoom video conferencing. Our next General Meeting will be held on November 6, 2024. Just send us an email with your email address, that you would like the invitation to be sent to (please provide your real full name, anonymous requests will not be replied to). You do not have to be a member to attend our meetings. In fact, we urge those interested to drop in and join us for our monthly meeting.

We offer a “pre-meeting” during the 7 PM to 8 PM portion, where we have arranged for an informal question and answer session. Both unlicensed, as well as license holders, may have questions, and our members will try our best to provide answers or at least sources of information for those requiring them.

The General Meetings begin around 8 PM and usually last until 9:30 to 10 PM.

The KCRC Club Constitution and Bylaws 


To pay your 2024 Membership Dues click HERE!


Listen To the KCRC Recent TechNet Episode!


The KCRC Bi-Weekly Technical Net!

We sponsor an informal Technical Question & Answer Net on the second AND fourth Wednesdays of each month at 9 PM on the KC2RC Repeater, 146.730 MHz output, 146.130 MHz input with an 88.5 Hz PL tone. Everyone, please come. Ask a question, or answer one, or mention a topic that you would like to hear more about. No question is a silly question.


Can’t hear the KCRC Repeater?
We got you covered!
Just point your browser to:
(Analog FM AND Digital Fusion Signals are Streamed)
To hear the TechNet streaming LIVE!


Missed the KCRC Technical Net?
The Archives Are Right HERE!

Check Out Our KCRC TechNet Puzzle for October 23, and the Solution for Previous Puzzles During 2024!

Check Out All of Our KCRC TechNet Puzzles and Their Solutions for 2017, 2018, and 2019-2020, 2021, 
2022, and 2023!


 Wondering How Do I Get My Amateur Radio ‘Ticket’?
Did You Just Get Your ‘Ticket’ and Wonder ‘What Should I Do Now”?

We Got You Covered!

(Click up there)

Got Questions? We Have Answers.

(Click right here!)


Are Your Morse Code Skills Getting Rusty? Are You Interested in Developing Your Skills from Scratch, Or Improving Your Present Fist? Well, Let Us Introduce You to The NEW Long Island CW Club! Dedicated “To Promote the Continued Use of CW As a Viable and Enjoyable Form of Amateur Radio Communication.” They Are a Local Organization That Is Dedicated to Promote and Assist Hams to Develop Their Morse Code Skills. Please Click This Link and Take a Good Look Around! It’s Easier to Learn in with Others! (Not Affiliated with the Kings County Radio Club.)


Come One, Come All!
Visit Our KCRC Forums!

Please feel free to browse our website to learn more.  If you need help, have questions, or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Photos of Our KCRC 2023 Field Day!

Here’s Our Field Day Amateur Radio Promotional Pamphlet!

KCRC In The 21st Century Pamphlet

KCRC on HamNation!

Officers for 2024

Max KD2VEA President

Berlotte KD2MYF Vice President

Roy AC2GS Secretary

Frank KD2QPU, Treasurer

Executive Board Members at Large

Joe N2DEJ – Mitch N2RGA



Club meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month for now via Zoom Conferencing software.

Our 10 Meter Net is on Sundays, 11 AM, 28.380 MHz

Our 2 Meter Net is on Tuesdays, 9 PM, 146.730 MHz, 88.5 PL Encode and Decode.

Our 2 Meter Technical Net is on the second and fourth Wednesdays, 9 PM, 146.730 MHz, 88.5 PL Encode and Decode

Our 2 Meter Fusion Net is Thursdays, 9 PM 146.730 MHZ DN Mode or the (Fusion Net) Wires X Room.

Analog users can join us on the net from any Analog Wires-X Repeater. Connect to Fusion Net

Our Club repeater is an open system, and all are welcome. We are running a Yaesu DR-2X System Fusion digital system, In “Auto / Auto Mode”. It is compatible with System Fusion Digital Radios or Standard FM Radios. Digital mode transmissions will not hear FM mode transmissions and FM mode transmissions will not hear Digital mode transmissions (make sure “Tone Squelch Decode” is on). Please be advised that our WIRES-X is on our own ‘Room’. People accessing our repeater Can connect to other WIRES-X Rooms through our repeater. On Thursday Nights we will Manually connect to The Fusion Net Room  – [Fusion-Net]

The power output is 35 watts out of our duplexer. Our antenna is a Hustler Repeater Antenna with 6dB Gain and is 210 feet above the ground.

(You are free to copy this off this website and include it on your QRZ page, or other biographical web pages that you keep.)

Here’s what our new KCRC Patch will look like:



* (Based on publicly available metropolitan club membership rosters.)

* (Based on publicly available metropolitan club membership rosters.)

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